Havana, ND Pictures
Cow Pie Bingo Fundraiser?
We traveled to Havana after following the Sheyeene River Scenic Bypass from Kathryn, ND and Fort Ransom.
Havana ND is located on the border between North Dakota and South Dakota.
The city park is called Williamson Park, and they have a camping area in the back area, with 1 electrical hookup, and 1 hookup with water.
We also stopped for breakfast at the Havana Farmers Inn II Cafe. Here's a picture of the inside of the cafe.
Cow Pie Bingo Fundraiser?
While eating breakfast, we were looking at the Teller newspaper, and saw an interesting article of an upcoming Cow Pie Bingo. We kept reading, and laughed as the article explained how to play Cow Pie Bingo.
More Pictures of Havana, ND
-the J & M Inn... local bar... front view
-the Havana store and Post Office... post office
-the five silos all in a row in the center of town... 5 silos in a row
-right next to the cafe is the Havana Civic Center... Havana Civic Center
-the cow "cigarette butt can" outside the cafe...
cow cigarette butt can and the shoe cleaner
-The Havana newspaper is called "the Teller"...
The Teller newspaper
-These pictures of tractors stuck on a bridge and stuck in mud, was hanging on the bulletin board.