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Southern North Dakota
Pictures and Attractions

Are you planning on traveling to North Dakota? We recently took a road trip there and had lots of fun. Since we live in Tripp SD, we took the Lewis and Clark scenic byway north to get to North Dakota.

We passed through several Indian Reservations, and had lunch in their casinos. The picture below was taken after we left the little northern town of Pollock in South Dakota.

On these pages you will find information and pictures of our travels through North Dakota. Probably the best time we had there is in the bustling little town called Jamestown. We also visited Devil's Lake and the Spirit Lake Casino.

Traveling to North Dakota in our friends RV was fun, but it sure did take a lot of gas for this trip.

Follow the links below to visit the pages, or start by reading our roadtrip to North Dakota.

North Dakota Towns and Attractions

-Linton, ND Pictures
-Esmond, ND and Buffalo Lake Campground
-Fort Totten Historic Site
-Devil's Lake and the Spirit Lake Casino
-Fort Ransom Pictures
-Havana, ND Campground
-Jamestown, ND Frontier Village and Largest Buffalo
-Kathryn, ND Scenic Byway
-Minnewaukan Campgrounds and Lodging

More Pictures of North Dakota

-a hay bale on the side of the road... I got out and took a closeup picture, they are about 5 feet tall, but you don't think they are big when you see them in the fields.
-brown cows in a rolling hills field... another view
-a larger picture of the Welcome to North Dakota sign.. I walked across the street and took a picture of the Welcome to South Dakota sign, so we were right on the border.
-golden fields...square bales of straw stacked like a haystack
-we passed a field of sun flowers, in fact, there was a lot of fields of sunflowers
-then the terrain changed, and it got rather scenic with rolling hills... we were heading north through the county of Emmons on Hwy 1804
-dead white trees in a swamp-like area

See the first town we passed called Linton, ND

Pictures of an Old One Room Schoolhouse

When we left Rugby ND, we came across a one room schoolhouse that was sitting in the middle of nowhere. Here's the pictures

-we stopped to look in the windows, but then found out the door was open and we went inside.
-there were 2 chairs, a blackboard, and a bench
-an old desk, blackboard, and furnace
-oh, I get it, there is a voting booth and cans to put the votes in, it must be in Beaver County
-old furnaces...a picture of the Ten Commandments... information maps about the county
-Beaver Township is on the front door
-there is also a 2 seat outhouse
-a farmer on a tractor watched us while we were there
-as we left, here's another scenic farm field view
-North Dakota also has a lot more ponds in the fields than South Dakota... here's another pond

North Dakota websites

North Dakota Tourism
North Dakota Parks

Thanks for visiting
Photography © Vlad and Carol in Tripp, SD
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