Wagner SD Pictures
Wagner SD is a nice little town. We've driven through it on the way to Fort Randall Casino and Restaurant. Wagner has a population of 1,675, which is double our hometown of Tripp SD 20 miles to the northeast.
It seems we are always traveling through Wagner on Sunday, which of course everything is pretty much closed. I suspect that during the week even Main Street doesn't get much traffic though. That's one of the nice things about living in South Dakota. No more rush hour traffic.
There are several motels in Wagner. The Sleepy Pine Motel, and the Super 8 Motel are located on the west side of town, but I think it recently changed owners. Most of our shopping we do at the ALCO store or just grabbing a few items at the Family Dollar, which both are on the west end of town on highway 50.
Mainly, when we travel to Wagner, we are heading to the Fort Randall Casino for the all you can eat buffet.
More Pictures of Wagner
-There are quite a few organizations and clubs in Wagner... organizations and clubs
-the sign for a historical museum... historical museum sign
-a view looking west, entering into Wagner... view west
-a view looking south on Main Street... south on Main Street
Popular Businesses in Wagner
-Dakota Bowl and End Zone Lounge (1/2 B. north of stoplight) Phone 605-384-3895... Friday Aug 3, 9:30 to 1:45am, 4play Karaoke and DJ.
-the Valley Pump gas station and casino...
Valley Pump gas station
-Joes Motors has an antique tractor on display outside the store... Joes Motors
-the Wagner Food Center... Wagner Food Center
-Super 8 Motel... Sleepy Pine Motel
Make a reservation at a South Dakota hotel