Visit Delmont South Dakota
Pictures and Information
Our sincerest thoughts and prayers to all those affected by Delmont's 2015 Mother's Day tornado. The information on this page is from 2010.
If you are planning on traveling through Southern South Dakota, there are a few attractions in the small town of Delmont that may interest you.
Delmont also has a museum, a terrific steakhouse called the No Place Steakhouse, and an attraction called the Onion House. Built in 1902, the Onion House is listed on the National Historic Register. It was named that because of the Onion shaped metallic dome.
Delmont is easy to find using Highway 18 or Highway 37. It is located 10 miles west of Tripp SD in Douglas County. Delmont has it's own newspaper called "The Record."
Warning: Delmont repaved their Main Street in 2011, and they put a "double" yellow line running the full length of Main Street - through the center of town. If you drive across this "double" yellow line (such as turning and parking on the other side of the street), the sheriff will give you an $80. ticket.
The Delmont Campground
If you need a place to stay, there are rooms available above the No Place Steakhouse, only 1 room has air conditioning though. The No Place Steakhouse is not hard to find, because the town is only about 4 blocks wide, and 1 mile long. Here's a side street looking south from Main Street.
If you are looking for the Delmont Campground, the only place available is Squid's Place which has 5 full RV hookups, no restrooms. Bikers and tents are also invited to stay, but you have to call this phone number, 605-779-2000 and talk to Jean, to let them know you are camping there, and for further instructions. Or try Ron at 605-999-7403. I'm not sure what the charge is, but a friend told me it was $20.00 a night. You might want to try the campground in Tripp or Olivet for $5.00 a night.
Delmont also has the most popular auction in the area, and the auctions are held once a month in the gymnasium at the former Delmont School.
More Pictures of Delmont
-The Delmont Opera Block building on Main Street is up for sale... Opera Block Building
-The Zion Lutheran Church located at Main and Seaman Street...
Zion Lutheran Church
-Delmont has a baseball field at the southern edge of town... baseball field
-The Delmont water tower... water tower
-A Delmont farmfield with haywheels... haywheels
-The sun setting over a Delmont farmfield... sun setting
-The road north leaving Delmont... road north
-The Delmont Veterans Memorial... Veterans Memorial
-a blue decorative house on Main Street... cute house
-The Delmont Post Office 57330... Post Office 57330
-South Delmont has ponies and goats... ponies
and goats
-East Delmont has lions and tigers and bears, Oh My! ... lions and tigers and bears
-Est Delmont sunset and sunflower field... sunset and sunflower field
-Delmont Golf Course... Delmont Golf Course
-the South Delmont baseball field... baseball field
-In September Delmont had a Kuchen Festival... Kuchen Festival sign
Why did we move to Tripp SD? Our friends, Rich and Elle, bought a house in Delmont, and they are fixing it up.
The Hutterite Colony
There is a Hutterite Colony in Delmont called the Greenwood Colony. We went there to buy some eggs and chickens. They also have a turkey farm and sell turkeys around Thanksgiving. Most of the homes here are trailers. Here's the main road of the colony looking east and looking west, and another view toward the shop where you can get some eggs. When I asked him when the best time to come to get eggs and he said anytime except on Sunday you must come after 3pm.
Another Hutterite Colony in the area is called the Old Elm Springs Colony and is located between Parkston and Olivet. They have bake sales occasionally, and you can buy produce and eggs, and turkeys from them, phone 605-933-0875 (Michael J. Wurtz)
Businesses in Delmont
-No Place Steakhouse and Lounge (Jean Cantrell)... 779-2000
-Delmont Inn Steakhouse and Lounge... 779-2611 advertises a Sunday Buffet, daily lunch specials, restaurant, bowling alley, bar
-Blue Bird Locker (Delmont)... 779-2041 (Mitchell 996-0521)
-First State Bank located on Main Street.
-Across the street is the Agland Co-op.
-The Delmont Post Office 57330... Post Office 57330
-The Delmont Record newspaper... Box 128 Delmont SD 57330... 605-946-5489 fax 605-946-5179
Buildings on the National Historic Register
* Delmont Public School * Delmont Pumphouse * Stevens Opera Block * Thomas Lenehan House
Related Websites
Other Towns Nearby
Tripp - 10 miles to the southeast
Parkston - 10 miles to the northeast
Armour - 10 miles to the west